
AbSec News

The NSW Aboriginal Child and Family awards are held annually by AbSec to acknowledge those working to support Aboriginal families throughout the state, celebrating individuals and organisations that have made remarkable contributions and outstanding achievements to improving outcomes for our children.

Thank you to everyone who put forward nominations this year. We were overwhelmed with not only the number of nominations but also the quality and hard work that individuals and organisations have been doing in the community and this made it extremely tough for our independent judging panel to select the winners.

This year was a year like no other, and it made the contributions of all our award winners and nominees even more important. COVID-19 had a significant impact, especially on Aboriginal communities, and it was heartening to see so many stories of people stepping up in the community.

Unfortunately due to the pandemic we were unable to hold an event this year to announce our winners and celebrate their contributions in the way that we would have hoped, however, we have never been more appreciative of their work.

The awards go to…