AbSec is the peak organisations for Aboriginal children and families in NSW. We work to empower Aboriginal children, young people, families and communities impacted by the child protection system, as well as support a quality Aboriginal community-controlled child and family sector to deliver much-needed support to Aboriginal communities across the state.
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We work tirelessly each and every day to make sure that Aboriginal children, families and communities have the support they need to thrive. We couldn’t do this without our valued philanthropic supporters and we are always looking to build new partnerships.
Latest News & Events
AbSec Welcomes NSW Government’s effective actions on Alternative Care Arrangements
AbSec congratulates the Minns Labor Government and Minister for Families and Communities, Kate Washington, for their decisive action in greatly reducing the use of Alternative Care Arrangements (ACAs) and banning the use of unaccredited emergency accommodation for...
Child protection gap widens as NSW Government delays Aboriginal-led reforms
Joint Media Release Child protection gap widens as NSW Government delays Aboriginal-led reforms Peak organisations for Aboriginal children and legal services have accused the NSW Government of continuing to drag its feet on urgent reforms to the child protection...
NSW Budget a mixed bag for Aboriginal families
AbSec has welcomed some of the major announcements in the NSW budget, particularly the $5.1 billion investment in social housing and the $118 million for capital maintenance of social housing in Aboriginal communities. AbSec CEO John Leha identifies these as key items...
Embracing the Heart of Reconciliation Week
As another Reconciliation Week draws to a close, AbSec is pausing to reflect on the meaning of the occasion and the experiences gained. AbSec CEO John Leha says it is an important week on the calendar, particularly for Aboriginal peoples but also for the wider...