Help for carers
We know being a carer isn’t easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. AbSec is dedicated to standing by our deadly carers.
AbSec’s Aboriginal Carer Support Service aims to improve the information, support and training opportunities for carers of Aboriginal children and young people in NSW. The free telephone advice and advocacy service for carers of Aboriginal children also supports our member agencies with foster care recruitment activities, including events and promotion.
Working Together—valuing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster and kinship carers who care for Aboriginal children and young people and working co-operatively with Aboriginal out-of-home-care agencies, the Department of Communities and Justice and other relevant government and non-government agencies to improve the communication, support and training for carers of Aboriginal children and young people.
Client Services—aim to enhance the services we provide by identifying the diverse needs and expectations of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster and kinship carers who care for Aboriginal children and young people. We aim to ensure that the information we provide is comprehensive, accurate, impartial, accessible and up to date.
Outcomes—Support to foster carers and kinship carers is provided when and where needed to enable them to continue caring for Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care. We also ensure foster and kinship carers are better trained and skilled to provide quality care for Aboriginal children and young people.
AbSec is committed to providing the following services:
- Maintaining a register of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster and kinship carers of Aboriginal children and young people. (Carers can become a member of AbSec by contacting the office on 02 9559 5299)
- Network opportunities for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal foster and kinship carers of Aboriginal children and young people
- Accurate and culturally appropriate needs-based training
- Foster care telephone advice line
- Bi-monthly newsletter
- Assistance, advice and support to out-of-home care agencies about the recruitment of carers
- Ongoing evaluation and continual improvement of services offered
- Promoting Aboriginal foster care in general with the aim of increasing carer numbers throughout NSW by participating in local community events, forums and information sessions to promote the need for foster carers and raise awareness.
Carer Support Groups
AbSec values the role a carer plays in the lives of Aboriginal children and young people, ensuring they are raised in a safe, secure, loving environment, connected to culture and community.
AbSec is currently exploring starting new carer support groups across different locations in NSW. More information will be available soon.