
Who we are

AbSec – NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation, or commonly referred to as AbSec, is a not-for-profit incorporated Aboriginal controlled organisation. We are the peak organisation for Aboriginal children and families in NSW. We work to empower Aboriginal children, young people, families and communities impacted by the child protection system, as well as support a quality Aboriginal community-controlled child and family sector to deliver needed supports in Aboriginal communities across the state.

AbSec provides child protection and out-of-home care policy advice on issues affecting Aboriginal children, young people, families and carers, and we are informed by our membership base and community to ensure that Aboriginal perspectives are included in government policy and reform directions.

Our Work

AbSec was established in 1999 as part of a need to bring all funded Aboriginal out-of-home care agencies together on a monthly basis to form a network of agencies. This group of agencies formed the Aboriginal Child, Family & Community Care State Secretariat committee.

Since that time, we have emerged as a strong Aboriginal child and family peak organisation that supports our Aboriginal community-controlled sector to deliver quality services to Aboriginal children, families, communities, carers and people with a disability. AbSec continues to play a leading role in Aboriginal sector capacity building and advising governments of alternate solutions and policies to deliver better outcomes for Aboriginal children and families. Our work aims to shape the Aboriginal sector into the future, engage and deliver for Aboriginal children and families, and inform governments of Aboriginal perspectives with the view to providing greater self-determination in our communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is that all Aboriginal children and young people are looked after in safe, thriving Aboriginal families and communities and are raised strong in spirit and identity, with every opportunity for lifelong wellbeing and connection to culture, surrounded by holistic supports.

In working towards our vision, we are guided by our Strategic Plan 2023–2026, which sets out the strategic direction over the next three years.

Our Objectives

  • Work towards achieving self-determination for all Aboriginal people and communities and building a safe, secure and caring environment for their children and young people that is surrounded by culture
  • Support Aboriginal organisations in delivering quality holistic supports for all Aboriginal children, young people, families and carers, people with a disability and communities
  • Provide and support opportunities for continual improvement, learning, growth and change for organisations delivering for Aboriginal children, young people, families, people with disability and their communities, recognising the principles of self-determination
  • Represent and inform government and key stakeholders on the issues facing Aboriginal children, young people, families, carers and communities, particularly in accessing quality holistic supports for lifelong wellbeing surrounded by culture
  • Support Aboriginal workforce development to ensure a strong and capable workforce for supporting Aboriginal children, young people, families, people with disability and their communities.