
AbSec News

On the 29th of November 2021, AbSec held its first Carer Support Group in South West Sydney. Carers from across South Western Sydney came together to share knowledge, have a yarn and brainstorm ways to support one another.

The team at AbSec acknowledges that the past few years have been incredibly challenging for carers, having to navigate difficult circumstances, including changes to employment, social isolation, homeschooling, on top of all the usual challenges of being a carer. The Carer Support Group provided a safe space for carers to discuss their challenges, share resources and connect with like-minded carers.

Despite COVID-19 restrictions and the event being held online, the Carer Support Group had a great turnout. The team at AbSec are incredibly appreciative of all the carers who took time out of their busy day to attend.

An AbSec spokesperson said, “Carer support groups are crucial to ensuring that our Aboriginal children and young people are supported in a culturally enriched environment.”

Carers who registered to attend the Carer Support Group received a welcome pack that included a hat, mug, keyring, caring for our kids sticker, pen and tote bag, however, the most invaluable take-away from the day were the insights shared. The Carer Support Group provided a much-needed platform for carers to share their experiences and learnings on caring for Aboriginal children and young people in a nurturing environment that maintains children’s connection to their family, community, culture and Country.

If you are a carer of an Aboriginal child or young person living in South Western Sydney, we would love for you to come along to our next group meeting in February. Please contact our Carer Support Team on 1800 888 698 for more information.