
AbSec News

AbSec is committed to supporting our Aboriginal community-controlled organisations and the broader community through providing resources to support COVID safe workplaces and care packs to help stop the spread in communities.

To support the Aboriginal out-of-home care sector return to business as usual after COVID-19, we created a range of resources to share COVID prevention practices and provide professional advice on staying safe in the workplace.

To help clarify the implementation of new COVID safe practices for organisations and dispel any hesitancy around vaccines, AbSec created a series of webinars to support Aboriginal community-controlled organisations through their journey. The three webinars shared key information on risk assessments, legal employment matters and the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. 

Alongside creating specially curated support for our Aboriginal sector, we took the opportunity to partner with GOOD360, Talking About Tobacco Use (TATU) and IndigiGrow, a new venture from First Hand Solutions Aboriginal Corporation, to create a support package for our carers and members. The package contained hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial wipes to aid in stopping the spread of COVID and merchandise from TATU that encourages smoke-free environments. AbSec also donated warrigal greens seeds from IndigiGrow in some of the packs for families to start their own home vegetable gardens. 

These packages will be a welcome surprise and provide some relief for members of the Aboriginal community across NSW who may be more susceptible to the virus.

John Leha, AbSec CEO, said, “We are grateful to be able to provide some protection against COVID for our vulnerable communities through different ways, including care packages like these. We will continue to support the Aboriginal out-of-home care sector and our communities to reach a new and COVID safe way of living to protect us all.

To find out more about AbSec’s work supporting Aboriginal communities through COVID-19, see our webinar series or check out the video below with AbSec staff discussing why they chose to keep our mob safe and get vaccinated!