
AbSec News

Today a range of stakeholders in Aboriginal child protection will come together in Parramatta for the two-day AbSec Sector Forum.

The forums are held quarterly, offering a chance to hear the latest industry news and seek solutions to ongoing issues.

AbSec CEO John Leha described the forum as a critical element in leading sector reform for and by Aboriginal people, communities and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.

“These events are highly anticipated by people throughout the sector, from the governmental policy makers to the people on the frontlines providing services,” Mr Leha said.

“It is a crucial networking opportunity, helping to forge the connections that are vitally important in a complex industry where partnerships are essential.

“More than anything, it is a place where the people who know the most about the difficulties many Aboriginal families face can both listen and be heard.”

NSW Minister for Families and Communities Kate Washington will be among those present.

“These forums are always an excellent opportunity to hear from those on the frontline about the problems, challenges and opportunities ahead,” Minister Washington said.

“I’m keen to continue connecting and building lasting partnerships across the sector, so that together we can improve outcomes for children, families and communities.”

Other attendees will include Judge Ellen Skinner, president of the NSW Children’s Court, who will give an update of the impact the Active Efforts policy has had on court proceedings.

Issues to be discussed will include the Aboriginal Community Data Platform, Permanency Support Program, Aboriginal Authority for Restoring Children, Targeted Early Intervention and Aboriginal Family Preservation.

“It’s a packed schedule and an impressive line-up of speakers,” Mr Leha said.

“We’re certain it’s going to be a highly productive forum.”

For media inquiries, please contact: media@absec.org.au