Press Release

Mixed bag NSW Budget disappoints for Aboriginal children

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Tomorrow the country will stand together and remember the systematic racism and oppression of Aboriginal peoples under past government policies, including the forced removal of children from their families and communities.

The atrocities committed against the Stolen Generations and their families must never be repeated, and the nation will forever remember the hardships they endured.

The damage of these policies has been made clear by the efforts AbSec has taken in assisting the Stolen Generations Council of NSW & ACT in their work supporting members of the Stolen Generations in their journey of healing.

Kirrily Jordan, Executive Officer of the Stolen Generations Council of NSW & ACT, said, “It is crucial for members of the Stolen Generations, that have endured so much pain, to be supported in their process of healing. The impact of these past government policies has started a vicious cycle of intergenerational trauma that requires extensive support and assistance.”

On supporting members of the Stolen Generations, AbSec CEO John Leha said, “As the peak organisation for Aboriginal children and families, it is the responsibility of AbSec to not only protect current generations of Aboriginal children from suffering but also supporting past members of the Stolen Generations and their families. The work of the Stolen Generations Council is invaluable to the community, and we will continue to support them in their healing work.”

Across Australia, the number of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care continues to increase, set to double by 2029, fomenting a new and growing crisis of child removals.

AbSec is calling on the NSW Government to learn from the mistakes of the past and do more to protect Aboriginal kids and support their families through investing in crucial early intervention and support services for families in need.

Mr Leha said, “Sorry Day is an annual reminder of the injustices committed against Aboriginal peoples by previous governments. Sadly, however, the impact of child removals on Aboriginal families is not a thing of the past. In NSW, the overrepresentation of our kids in the child protection system continues to increase, and more must be done to support Aboriginal families and communities. We need a child protection system that focuses on prevention and keeping families together to avoid this developing crisis and ensure history does not repeat itself.”

Media contact: Sam Priebee, Communications Officer – 0408 851 765 |

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About AbSec

AbSec is the peak organisation concerned with the welfare of Aboriginal children, young people and families. We advocate for their rights, while supporting carers and communities. Our main priority is to keep children and young people safe, with the key goal of also keeping them within their family and community. It is vitally important that young people grow up surrounded by those who understand them, comfortable within their own culture where they will thrive.

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AbSec is the peak organisation advocating for the rights and well-being of Aboriginal children, young people, and families in NSW.

Learn more about AbSec, our mission, and our commitment to supporting Aboriginal children, families, and communities through advocacy, capacity building, and sector leadership.

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AbSec would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land in which we work and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. AbSec acknowledges the Stolen Generations who never came home.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are warned that this website may contain images of deceased people.