Campaigns We Support
We believe in the power of collective action to create lasting change.
From time to time, we add our voice to wider campaigns that share our vision and goals of supporting Aboriginal children, young people, and families. By joining forces with like-minded organisations and campaigns, we amplify our impact and work towards a society where all children have the opportunity to thrive. We are currently involved in the following campaigns and coalitions:

Home Stretch
We're one of the 100+ organisations that call for out-of-home care supports to be extended to young people up to the age of 21.

We're calling for all state, territory and Commonwealth governments to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Australia to at least 14.

Family Matters
SNAICC's annual report examines what governments are doing to turn the tide on over-representation and the outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Just Reinvest
A way of reducing Aboriginal People’s interactions with the criminal justice system – informed by data, Aboriginal communities can develop their own solutions for change, making them safer and more just.