Have your say: Closing the Gap NSW Implementation Plan Engagement

The NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peaks (NSW CAPO) is currently looking for your feedback on the first round of 2021 engagement sessions on Closing the Gap. The National Agreement on Closing the Gap is built around four Priority Reforms to change the way in which governments work with Aboriginal People. There is also a NSW specific priority reform on economic prosperity.

The priority reforms are:

  1. Formal partnerships and shared decision making
  2. Building the community-controlled sector
  3. Transforming government organisations
  4. Shared Access to Data and Information at a Regional Level
  5. Economic Prosperity, Business Growth and Employment (additional for NSW)


We want to get your views about what is needed to drive these priority reforms and make the lives of Aboriginal people better. Your views will help to create practical action that could be included in NSW Implementation Plan (NSW IP) to support Aboriginal people, communities and organisations in taking charge of their own lives and development. The NSW IP will include actions to achieve the priority reforms, funding, timeframes and accountability mechanisms.

A Community Companion document has been written to help explain to you more about the National Agreement and the priority reforms and the next steps for NSW.

To read more about this and to have your say:

There are a range of ways you can join in the conversation!

FACE TO FACE — 9 face to face locations have been established to cover the state. If you would like to attend, select your location and register your attendance through Eventbrite. Links can be found on the NSWALC website: https://alc.org.au/capo-nsw

READ THE COMMUNITY COMPANION — this can be downloaded from the NSWALC website: https://alc.org.au/capo-nsw

ONLINE SURVEY — Survey Monkey is now live for people to input online to the process: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NSWClosingtheGapsurvey

RING CAPO — Secretariat is available should anyone want to have a yarn – 02 6659 1202

SEND AN EMAIL — closingthegap@alc.org.au

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AbSec would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land in which we work and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. AbSec acknowledges the Stolen Generations who never came home.

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