
AbSec News

After a brief period at Uniting, AbSec is happy to once again be hosting the Stolen Generations Council of NSW & ACT in our office and supporting them in their work providing a voice for the Stolen Generations.

The Stolen Generations Council was formed in 2009 from an acknowledgement that there was no peak body in NSW & ACT to represent the interests of members of the Stolen Generations. It was formed by former residents of government and non-government Aboriginal training institutions (the Homes).

Whilst Link-Up NSW was able to work with some members on their journey home, it was decided that a political voice was needed to represent the former residents of the Homes. This voice would need to lobby for much-needed services, offer advice or support and seek reparation for damages done.

The Stolen Generations Council is made up of a Board of Directors, representing survivors of the Stolen Generations and a team of four to achieve the support objectives.

Members of the Stolen Generations and their descendants are supported by:

  • Promoting self-determination goals
  • Assisting Aboriginal organisations to provide quality services
  • Offering information, advice, counselling and networking opportunities
  • Informing government departments, organisations and agencies on key issues
  • Lobbying for much-needed services
  • Seeking reparations for damages done

AbSec looks forward to working hand in hand with the Stolen Generations Council, assisting them to help members of the Stolen Generations with access to support and referral pathways for their social and emotional wellbeing and ensuring that there is a strong voice to represent them.

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Our children deserve no less than YES

Our children deserve no less than YES

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