
Youth Ambassador Program

The AbSec Youth Ambassador program is an initiative that aims to provide a platform for Aboriginal young people to engage with the child protection and out-of-home care sector in NSW.

 Given the ongoing over-representation of Aboriginal children within these systems and its profound effects on many of their lives, AbSec is working to ensure the voices of Aboriginal young people are heard right across the sector. Allowing them to influence services and supports to deliver better outcomes for Aboriginal young people.

The purpose of the AbSec Youth Ambassador program is to:

  • Motivate and inspire the non-government sector and wider community
  • Pursue priorities areas as identified by the Ambassadors
  • Influence governments and decision-makers
  • Speak publicly, with support from AbSec, on experiences and issues impacting Aboriginal young people across NSW

AbSec values the diverse perspectives of Aboriginal young people from different geographic locations, communities and with different life experiences. The AbSec Youth Ambassador program is open to any Aboriginal young person in NSW who is passionate about the Aboriginal child welfare system. Aboriginal young people with personal or family experience of the child protection or out-of-home care systems are particularly encouraged to nominate.

Currently, membership of the Youth Ambassador program will consist of up to 10 ambassadors, aged between 16-25 years. The Governance arrangements of the program include:

  • Membership over a 2-year term
  • Regular commitments to meetings
  • Code of conduct for YAP participants, in agreement with those selected
  • Support and facilitation provided by AbSec

The reporting and impact of the program will include the following:

  • Ambassadors develop a yearly report on their views on the current system
  • Ambassadors speak on issues publicly and provide AbSec with information to influence public positions

If you would like to talk to AbSec about the Youth Ambassador Program, or any of our services, please contact us using the options on our contact page, or call us during business hours on 02 9559 5299.

Find out more about our Youth Ambassadors!

The Youth Ambassador Program has been previously held in 2016 and 2018 and gave ten Aboriginal young people the opportunity to participate in and inform the systems and processes that impact them.